Mission Statement
Finicum Family Mission Statement
We the Finicum Family, seeking to better understand, maintain and defend our God given rights to further our eternal happiness,
will virtuously let our voices be heard.
Educating on the principles of the Constitution
and our testimonies be seen for
Personal Property Rights
Liberty and Freedom
and one that has become even more
near and dear to us as of late
The importance of LIFE
Articles of What LaVoy Finicum Believed

1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the true authors of Liberty.
2. God intended for His people to be free.
3. There are powers that be that seek to overthrow the freedom of mankind.
4. Rebellion against tyranny is a righteous cause and a man will be eternally vindicated for his virtuous and competent stand for liberty.
5. Government in its proper limited role outlined in the Constitution of the United State is needed for the success of the United States.